Do You Follow The Hype Train? // my opinion on reading hyped books

Are you a passenger on the hype train?

Train metaphors ✌️😅.
i watched this gif too many times than i’d like to admit.

Every month, Rukky from Eternity Books shares weekly bookish discussion topics for her awesome Let’s Talk Bookish feature. I always look forward to the discussions and am finally participating in today’s: The Hype Train! Rukky provided some great guide questions, so I’ll keep this intro short 💃:

Check out Rukky’s blog and the discussion topics! Her posts are always so fun and thoughtful!

do you follow the hype train?

Yes and no.

I think I get wrapped up in hype to a certain degree.

First and foremost, I only add books to my TBR if I’m genuinely interested in them. I’m a terribly moody and slow reader, so I need to optimize the moments I do kick back with a book. From what I see from my little nook in the internet, a good chunk of hyped books are YA fantasies, and that’s not what I naturally gravitate towards. Plus, fantasy books typically come in series, and hype cannot easily cancel my fear of commitment 😅.

Still, I have my tipping point. If I see a book enough times, my brain will convince me that maybe I’m actually curious about it, and it’ll end up on my TBR.

However, I often find myself late to the hype train.

Train metaphors ✌️😅.

I read the majority of my books on the library app Libby, and because of this, hyped books don’t usually trickle down to me until their hype passes 😕. In a way, even if I want to follow any current hype trains, I can’t.

So, to answer the question again:

Yes, I read hyped books, but sometimes they aren’t presently hyped when I do.

what’s your favorite hyped book?

easy question, basic answer:

The Final Empire by Brandon Sanderson.

(aka the only book I have reread in the past three years!)

Sanderson’s writing style is extremely cinematic, and although his stories can drag at times, they’re worth sticking out for the plot twists and satisfying endings.

do you think that hyped books are too good to be true, or is there some hope that they will be as good as everyone says?

Yes and no?

I have a friend who likes to say,

“Expectations are the number one cause of disappointment,”

and although it’s quite an angsty statement 😂, I think there’s a truth in it that can be applied to hyped books.

Raving reviews place hyped books in the position to disappoint people.

I feel like I notice it especially with new releases when non-ARC reviews come out, and people get brutally honest about their gripes with a book. This isn’t to say that ARC reviews are dishonest, just that it seems like with ARC reviewers, there’s a decent probability they would love their future-hyped-books because they put in requests for them.

(Please give me your thoughts on this if you’re an ARC reviewer because I can’t speak from experience 😅.)

On the other hand, if someone is more skeptical about reviews or in the habit of going into stories with no expectations, then maybe hyped books are able to impress them more.

I think part of enjoying hyped books comes down to preference.

For example, I’d like to believe that I have a good sense of what stories I would actually enjoy, so that means I skip out on a ton of hyped YA fantasy series. If I were to give into hype and always read those books, I might say that hyped books are just all hype because fantasy stories aren’t usually my thing to start with.

Still, there’s a reason things become popular.

It seems unlikely that all hyped books, regardless of any typical, personal preferences, are complete baloney. My answer to the previous question is a prime example 🥩. (Pssst, it’s a fantasy book 😯.)

Thanks for reading! And thank you to Rukky for organizing this 😄!
What do you think of the hype train? How would you answer these questions? Let me know 🙂.

Oh hey, a side note: It’s already April 17?! I meant to schedule this wayyy earlier, but here I am the night before, scrambling to put some thoughts down so I can publish this thing on the right day 😅. This honestly still feels like a draft ✌️.

Also, if anyone is still reading this lol, ~ I started a YouTube channel ~ about a month ago as a project, but now I’m starting to post on it more regularly. If you’d like to check it out, here’s the link 🙂. So far, it’s a clustercrap of book reviews, almost vlogs, and recycled blog posts, but I feel like I’m slowly getting a sense of what kind of things I’d like to create for it. Whether it’ll be quality or not is up to debate hahaha, but it will still be mostly about books and usual booktube content! I’m also getting more comfortable with not cringing at myself while filming, editing, and watching my videos back 😅, so if you’re into character development 👀. It’s very strange plugging(?) my own things, so I’ll leave this note at this hahaha.

Please tell me what you’ve been up to lately!

Thank you for reading, again! I hope you’re well and safe 🙂💛.


40 thoughts on “Do You Follow The Hype Train? // my opinion on reading hyped books

  1. Ahhh… I loved this post and you talked about so many good things !!! I think I am similar as I do follow the hype is a way as certain hyped book sounds great and fit my interests so I’m like yes I need this book and it becomes stronger after every single thing I hear but some hyped book go over my head as the plot never interests me. And I am usually late to hyped books as I only buy my books around Christmas really so if my online library doesn’t have it then there is a good chance it will be a while until I get it 😂
    I never thought about arc vs non-arc reviewer but it would make a difference as arc reviewers are often going in blind and really wanted to read it before so lots of things are on their side whilst non-arc reviewers might have really high expectation and it can affect how you feel about it I agree !!!
    Great post, I loved reading it 💛 and you started a YouTube channel so exciting !!! 💕

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    1. Thank you so much, Sophie 😄💛! Hahaha I’m happy you could relate to this, although it can really suck always being late to the hype 😅. That’s really nice that you only buy your books around Christmas though! It must make the season all the more ~merrier~ 😄. Thank you so much for reading and sharing your thoughts again, Sophie 😄💕! And yes! The YouTube channel is so much fun, but also very scary hahaha 😅💞.

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  2. This was so interesting to read! I think I’m the same in a lot of ways – if I see a book often enough, even if it wasn’t something I was originally interested in, I convince myself that I am interested in it 😅 But I also think I have a pretty good sense of what books I’m interested in, and if a hyped book doesn’t fit that, then I just won’t be interested in reading it 🤷‍♀️

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  3. I relate to this post a lot! I feel like I am always late to the hype train. I read a lot of YA books from the library as well. I always recognize a lot of popular titles from seeing them in the blogosphere but usually don’t get around to reading them until sometimes a year later, if at all. One hyped book that I really enjoyed recently though was The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo!

    claire @ clairefy

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    1. I’m glad you could relate to this, Claire 😄! Although it can suck always being late to the hype train 😅. Ooo, Evelyn Hugo is one hyped book that I’m genuinely interested in reading! Thanks for sharing your thoughts 🙂!


  4. I only add books to my TBR that I know I’ll enjoy, even the tiniest bit (or at least that I think so), so if I have zero interest in the book, no amount of hype will change that. However, if I have the slightest interest, I can easily be influenced so I tend to go with the hype a lot, and then I might get disappointed or the book simply doesn’t meet my super high expectations!!

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  5. I am always somehow to last person to climb aboard the hype train. In fact, the train has generally reached it’s destination before I even have my ticket! I just find that most books barely live up to their hype so I tend to avoid them like the plague. Unless I am genuinely interested in the plot or themes. I am also a seriously stubborn reader – I didn’t read Vampire Academy until a couple of years ago when everyone finally shut up about it and stopped throwing it in my face. And as for Divergent? Never even read the first page. The one author I’ll allow myself to be sucked up and into the hype with is Sarah J, Maas. 😉

    This was such a great discussion, Belle! Thank you for sharing ❤

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    1. 😂 I’m so glad you relate, Alexandra hahaha. You made a good point about being a stubborn reader—I think a part of me just doesn’t want to give the hype any satisfaction 😅. Also, same, I’ve seen the movie for Divergent, and that’s fine for now haha. Thank you so much 😄💕!


  6. I get easily sucked into the hype train for fantasy novels but I definitely take forever to actually get around to them – commitment issues to those long series is a struggle. I think I’m more likely to pick up a hyped book relatively quickly if they are a standalone 😂

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  7. actually, the only way a book can make itself to my TBR is if it’s hyped. this doesn’t mean that i *only* read books that are hyped like Evelyn Hugo, but if I want to read a book, you can bet that I can name at least two people who recommended it. i actually find that books i like tend to be hyped. (a good example of this is six of crows–the hype was real when i read it, yet it’s my fave book of all-time anyways.) however, there are some cases when the hype completely ruins a book for me. my reading experience with Evelyn Hugo was completely ruined by the hype, because the entire time, I was just wondering when it would get as good as everyone made it out to be. i couldn’t even form my own opinions about the book, because that was the *only* thing i was thinking about while reading it. so bottom line, i do listen to hype. but i’m more likely to add a hyped fantasy book to my tbr than a hyped contemporary, because fantasy is my absolutely favorite genre!

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    1. Ohh, that’s a really interesting point, Caitlin! I guess most of the books on my TBR are hyped to a degree too, since I get the majority of my recommendations from bloggers. Come to think of it, most of my favorite books are actually hyped too HAHA. Sorry about Evelyn Hugo 😕, that sounds annoying. That’s awesome that you’re probably able to get a ton of great fantasy recs then 😄!


  8. Fantasy is 100% the #1 most hyped genre. And I like to think that I don’t read much fantasy, but I kind of do and they are all usually books that have been hyped, either in the past or in the present. Sanderson is really good though his books take positively forever and can be kind of hard to get through 😅 But hype was definitely a big reason why I picked it up.

    Great post!! And thank you so much for participating 💖

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes, it really is!! I’m completely with you. It’s almost funny how often I find myself reading Fantasy, when it’s not even one of my favorite genres 😂. And yess, Sanderson books take time to get through 😅. Thank you, Rukky, and thank you again for hosting these discussions 😄💕!


  9. I may have watched the train GIF one too many times, too, but … eh, glow in the dark train set deserves it.

    Aww, man, this is so relatable! I, too, am familiar with the tipping point. I think that’s why I tend to be late to the hype train, too: because it takes so many times for me to see/hear about it that by the time I decide to add it to my TBR, it’s already old news, never mind when I actually get around to reading the thing. xD But you know, all the best superheroes are fashionably late. 😉 It’s all about timing and making an entrance.

    I totally agree about hype leading to disappointment. I think that’s why I tend to avoid a lot of hyped books. They mostly end up being letdowns, because I go in with such high expectations.

    As an ARC reviewer, I’d say it depends, like you were saying. Yes, the reviewer is likely interested in the book in order to have requested it in the first place. I feel like reviewers who don’t like the book tend to weed themselves out early with DNFs and such.

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    1. I think about why the gif even exists 😂 (but I’m also not complaining 😅).

      Hahaha, I love that! It is pretty fun finally reading and reviewing a previously hyped book because more people have read it and can discuss it. But, yes, avoiding most hyped books prevents a lot of disappointment (and reading slumps).

      Ohh, okay, that’s a good tidbit to know about ARC reviews! Thanks for reading this and sharing your thoughts, Sammie 🙂!

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  10. I am always late to the hype train, especially recently because I haven’t been blogging for almost 10 months. (I’m a pre-law student so reading books for leisure takes so much energy out of me.) Now that I’m back, there are tons of hyped books that I just found out literally this month. I love to read hyped books depending on the genre, but I do agree that they’re often overhyped and disappointing.

    jillian @ jillian etc.

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    1. Ooof, I have so much respect for you 😩✊🏽. Pre-law does not sound easy haha. Picking up hyped books based on genres you like is definitely a good approach, especially when you don’t have a lot of time 😄.


  11. This is such an interesting post! Personally, I used to get caught up in hype way more than I do, now. As the years went on, I got to know myself as a reader a little more and, if the hype train passes by and I know the book isn’t for me, I know I shouldn’t hop on it ahah, even if sometimes it’s still tempting.
    I also try to lower my expectations when it comes to a very hyped book I really want to read. I try to take my time getting it, so everyone isn’t talking about it anymore and… I feel a little less stressed out and “forced” to like it, somehow. If that makes any sense, ahah 🙂
    As for ARCs… I agree that the hype is strong with books that aren’t released just yet. Personally, I know that if I request and get the chance to get approved for an ARC, I have 98% chances (let’s not forget the potential disappointment haha) to scream about the book forever, because I requested it because I was almost certain I’d adore it. That being said, I’m speaking from an intl point of view with a tiny approval rate, I’m not sure it’s the same way for US-based bloggers regularly receiving unsollicited ARCs. No shade on them at all (fantastic for them, if they get so many books, really!!), just… I guess with receiving random books, there aren’t as many chances to adore a book if you requested it yourself. If that makes any sense.
    I’m rambling wow should stop now Marie. sorry! That was a GREAT post! 🙂

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    1. Thank you, Marie 😄! And that’s a really good point you made! There is definitely some type of pressure to like hyped books! I feel like if I didn’t enjoy a hyped book, I have to be ready to defend my stance 😅.
      I love your raving ARC reviews, Marie 😂. And that’s another really great point! That makes sense that US-based bloggers may not love all the ARCs they receive as much as International bloggers who request them. Although, someone in a previous comment mentioned people who don’t enjoy their ARCs may weed themselves out early by DNFing them 🤔. Especially if someone has a lot of ARCs already, they may not waste their time on a book they’re not vibing with, so I guess it all really depends haha 😅.
      Rambly comments are the best and always welcome 😂💖. Thank you again 😄💕!

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  12. I very often miss the hype train :’D a book will be talked about a lot, and hyped up and I’ll think, oh, i’ll check that out, and then i forget about it till maybe a year later? It helps because then I’m so distanced from all the hype that I can judge if I’m really interested in the book itself (honestly, the times I followed the hype and not my own instincts I just ended up hating the books) or if I’m just swept off my feet my the immense hype. But then again, books are often popular for a reason! And sometimes theyre right haha :”)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hahaha I‘m glad it was something to think about 😄! According to some ARC reviewers who commented on this post, it really /is/ a thing 😮. Thank you so much, and thank you for reading this 😄!

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  13. yeah I get wrapped up in hype from time to time too. And I yeah, whether you enjoy them or not comes down to preference. And I also read a lot of books on Libby, so I also miss out on a lot of presently hyped books- but the upside to this is that when the hype has died down, I get more of a vibe of whether I’ll actually enjoy it or not!

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  14. Loved this discussion!! I used to be so bad with hyped books and add them all to my tbr, even if I wasn’t interested, but I’ve definitely got better at picking out which ones I do want to read. But I do think hyped books usually deserve the hype so I do like to give them a try if I can. For example the Six of Crows duo (I’m literally not going to stop talking about those books haha) are so amazing and deserve the hype 100%. I wasn’t even going to read it because the blurb didn’t appeal, but the hype made me and I’m so glad because they’re now two of my all-time faves!
    So I tend to regularly jump aboard the hype train but it usually pays off? I have such a backlist too so I’m only just getting to a lot of the ones that were hyped up years ago!

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    1. Thank you so much, Emme 😄! Hahaha Six of Crows is amazing – talk about it as much as you want 😂. I agree that the hype usually pays off! Gosh knows how many books I have backlisted too haha. Thanks for sharing your thoughts, Emme 😄!

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  15. I think I fall somewhere in the middle with hype! Like if a book isn’t something I’m interested in, no amount of hype will get me to read it. But if I’m moderately interested in a book, then the hype can persuade me to check it out. Once I read it though, I’m usually pretty honest about how I feel.

    Then there are the books that I help create hype for! If it’s a pre-released book than it’s usually by an author I love, or has a synopsis I think is perfection. And yes, sometimes getting an ARC copy makes the book have a special place in my heart, but at the end of the day I’m very forthright if that is the case.

    I think it’s important to differentiate between “I’m obsessed with this book, it means so much to me, OMG” and “This book is fantastic and I want everyone to read it immediately.” They both create hype, but only in the second one have I explicitly said I think other people would enjoy it. There are some personal favorites of mine I’m obsessed with, but wouldn’t necessarily recommend, and then there are the books I deliberately hype!

    But I do think that it’s very hard to love a book that’s super-hyped because your expectations are just set too high! That being said every once in a while I’ll hear only great thing about a book, and after I read it, I become one of the people hyping it as well!

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    1. I think the middle is good place to stand in this case haha 😄. That’s really good to know that your ARC reviews are honest! And that’s a really good point! There are almost like different types of hype, and I definitely get what you mean by being particular about when you would hype a book up to someone 🙂. Hahaha, it’s always great when you can join the hype 😂. Thanks for reading this and for your thoughtful reply, Malka 😄!

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