Book Blogs You Should Follow // blogs i love (part one/infinite)

This post has been a long time a-coming.

I’ve been meaning to start a series on here to highlight blogs I love on my long and growing list, so here she finally is, folks. Hopefully this will be a monthly feature because I’m pretty 💩 about doing tags and need another way to appreciate you all.

leslie knope’s approval, the highest honor?

Here is an incomplete list of book blogs that never fail to entertain me, make me think, or bring a smile to my face. Some I’ve been following for years, others I found recently, and while I mercilessly comment on a handful of them 🥰, I remain a timid, silent follower of the rest lol 🙈:

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5 Books That Would Make Good Video Games

Book to movie adaptations are cool and everything, but what about book to video game adaptations?

Even cooler. Imagine running, jumping, and interacting with the characters you read about on a paperback. Sure, you aren’t physically doing all those things—it’s your thumbs on the game controller doing the bulk of the action. But, being able to see and hear a world you could only conjure in your head, even if it’s only from a device, is an enterprise worth marveling. Here are five books I think would make good (if not great) video games: 

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My Bookish Quirks

Everyone has their quirks.

I personally have a number silly habits when it comes to reading and blog-hopping that I thought would be fun to share: 

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Blogging vs. Vlogging // Why I Chose A Blog Over Booktube

There are countless of posts in the book blogosphere discussing the advantages and disadvantages of having a book blog, Booktube, or Bookstagram.

I find these posts interesting and have fun reading why people favor book blogging over the other platforms. In this post, I would like to focus on blogging vs. vlogging and why I chose to have a blog over Booktube. 

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