Books Based On My Favorite Karaoke Songs // a self-indulgent recommendation post

I can’t sing to save my life.

But, sing-screaming to a karaoke song?

Normally, I try to stay away from doing recommendation posts because I end up recommending the same five books I always mention. So, I really don’t know what to say about this post, except that I wanted to talk about music, but with a bookish spin 💃🏻.

Continue reading “Books Based On My Favorite Karaoke Songs // a self-indulgent recommendation post”

Book Recommendations Based on My Favorite Neopets // the book rec list no one asked for

Neopets was my childhood.

For those of you who don’t what the heck I’m talking about:

In summary, Neopets is an online gaming site where you can adopt virtual creatures and collect points, usually by playing mini-games, to buy items to take care of them. Because it is online, users can also interact with other players across the world through various channels on the site, such as chat boards, guilds, and auctions.

This site gets full credit for starting my internet addiction at the age of eight.

Continue reading “Book Recommendations Based on My Favorite Neopets // the book rec list no one asked for”

The Fall Book Tag

November has just begun and (I) people have already started gearing up for Winter and Christmas. In order to counteract all the excitement for the holiday season and reorient (myself) everyone to the time, I decided to do The Fall Book Tag.

I was tagged by Dani from Perspective of a Writer (thank you!); She’s a sweet girl and her blog is full awesome content, so you should give it a look.  Continue reading “The Fall Book Tag”

Quick Reads Recommendations

Short stories are fun. Short stories are my friends.

As the year draws to an end, I find myself searching for quick and short reads in a desperate attempt to keep up with my Goodreads Reading Challenge. It’s more difficult than it seems, though. I don’t want to read just any book for the sake of reaching my goal—the book has to genuinely pique my interest.

I figured some of you may be experiencing the same thing as me, so I thought I would share some of my favorite, quick (under 130 pages) reads. Hopefully, there’s something that catches your eye 😊.  Continue reading “Quick Reads Recommendations”

How To Get Out of a Reading Slump

If you are an avid reader, you have probably experienced a reading slump before or might even be in one right now. The major manifestations of a reading slump include the lack of interest and/or motivation to read or the inability to finish a book. Reading slumps can occur suddenly without a cause, as a result of a lengthy or boring book, or as a result of an amazing, emotionally exhausting book.

As an avid reader myself, I have been a victim of this phenomenon one too many times and am here to offer some tips to combat it. All of the tips include reading a book because I personally find that the key to getting out of a reading slump is to just read and, most importantly, to choose the right book to read Continue reading “How To Get Out of a Reading Slump”